Script for Part 2 of our film “OFFICIALLY FISHY?”
Please note that the following is essentially just the "shooting script", which guided creation of the film, and is therefore not identical in every way to the finished film.
Draft Script for new documentary:
PART 2 of 3
Note to readers: Sincere apologies for the large amount of italicization, underlining etc in this script. It has been added as a guide for the narrator.
Officially Fishy?
(Comedic Cartoons Concerning Covid-Shot Critics)
Part 2 – Artificially Fishy
NARRATOR: Hi again.
Following on from Part 1 of this film (and we strongly advise viewers to watch that part first), the second overarching reason Frankie’s found it hard – for a very long time – to trust the powers-that-be in relation to Covid shots will become obvious once a teeny bit of background has been covered. [Caption: Links to Part 1 are at]
For decades now, we’ve all been warned about environmental threats – whether to do with overfishing, or deforestation, or pollution, or soil degradation, or loss of biodiversity…
* “Study Sees ‘Global Collapse’ of Fish Species” [see file ‘nyt fish’; date = 2006];
[* Don Cheadle: “We need to stop deforestation in its tracks” [see vid ‘Thandie Newton UN vid…’, 10:04; date = 2020]. [Caption: U.N. film] See vid ‘deforest’.] See also sgs ‘…deforestation1->3’.
* “UN issues dire warning on the deadly effects of pollution” [see sg ‘pollution’; date = 2019];
* “Only 60 Years of Farming Left If Soil Degradation Continues” [see file ‘soil degrad’; date = 2017];
* “Bee decline linked to falling biodiversity” [see sg ‘biodiv4’; date = 2010];
* Etc etc etc.
NARRATOR: And, in recent years, some of these warnings have turned quite apocalyptic.
* “Stop biodiversity loss or we could face our own extinction, warns UN” [see sg ‘biodiv2’, date = 2018]. [Highlight the words “our own extinction”].
* “We’re running out of everything, from water to rare metals” [Fortune]; [see sg ‘apoco’]
* “Running Out of Planet to Exploit” [NYT] [see sg ‘apoco2’]
Frankie worries that the powers-that-be – in an attempt to bring about a “sustainable” world – might’ve arranged for the Covid jabs to end up sterilizing many of the individuals who receive them. After all, as Sir David Attenborough has put it:
Sir David Attenborough: “Every one of these global problems … becomes more difficult and ultimately impossible to solve with ever more people” [21:35 of vid ‘attenborough rsa hd’, [or 08:19 of vid ‘atten rsa…’]] See vid ‘ever more people2’.
In the final Part of our series, we’ll come to the arguments against Frankie’s hypothesis. But it will also help us to deal with him aright if we briefly familiarize ourselves with some of the other reasons he holds to this theory. So let’s do that.
* “Life on Earth under threat from CO2 levels, say scientists” [see sg ‘vid 1 …co2’].
According to the powers-that-be, one of the biggest and most immediate threats to mankind’s survival is CO2 output. We’re regularly told we must swiftly bring ‘net CO2 emissions’ down to ZERO – i.e. we must ensure, in short order, that no more carbon dioxide is put into the atmosphere than nature and our own technology can take out.
* “The race to zero emissions, and why the world depends on it” [see sg ‘zero co2 2’]. NB See also sgs ‘race->race5’.
Bill Gates: “This is something that has to get to zero” [see 03:18 of vid ‘bill gates full ted talk”]. See vid ‘gates zero’.
FOOTAGE: Show sgs saying things like “catastrophic climate change”. e.g. see sgs ‘cata…’.
* “The climate apocalypse is real, and it is coming”.
NARRATOR: We’ve been given an incredibly bleak picture of what’ll happen if we don’t take care of the CO2 issue expeditiously. For instance…
NARRATOR: Author and columnist George Monbiot [pronounced “MON-BEE-OH”] says the result will be “catastrophe” – and that we’ll end up without a habitable planet.
* Show sg ‘monbiot 2’ – a Tweet from him saying, “I weep for the squandered years, the denial, distraction and delay, during which the fossil fuel companies trashed our chances of maintaining a habitable planet. Time is now so short, and the action required so drastic, that the chance of avoiding catastrophe is slight.”
NARRATOR: William Rees, Professor Emeritus in Ecology at the University of British Columbia, reckons 6 BILLION people may be wiped out.
* “Yes, the Climate Crisis May Wipe out Six Billion People” [see sg ‘…cata4’].
NARRATOR: And, in the promotional material Al Gore wrote in support of his 2006 film An Inconvenient Truth, he warned of the possibility of “our entire planet’s climate system” going into a “tail-spin of epic destruction“ [see sg ‘al gore item 5’].
NARRATOR: Here’s the snag though. In 2010, four years after that film’s release, Bill Gates revealed the then-current situation…
Bill Gates: “We put out a lot of carbon dioxide every year. Er, over 26 billion tons“ [see 3:23 of vid ‘bill gates FULL ted talk 2010’]. See vid ‘a lot of co2’.
* Show a graph of the rise of CO2 emissions over the last 100 years or so. [See sg ‘co2 2019’ [or ‘co2 graph’].
NARRATOR: Since that time (and, indeed, almost every year since the international commitment on CO2 was originally signed back in 1998), the figure has actually increased. In 2014, NASA said we emitted 35 billion tons [see sg ‘co2 2014’]. In 2017, estimates went “as high as about 40 billion” [see sg ‘co2 2017’]. It seems even the many “pandemic shutdowns” of 2020 didn’t halt the rise:
* “Despite pandemic shutdowns, carbon dioxide and methane surged in 2020” [see sg ‘co2 2020’].
NARRATOR: For this film, we’ll take what we consider to be the conservative figure of 30 billion tons as the quantity the powers-that-be insist needs ‘zero-ing’.
NARRATOR: Now, if the amount were 30 million tons per year, then Frankie could probably get his head around the hope of achieving it. But, as far as he can see, the only way to get from 30 billion tons every year down to a figure even in the same zip-code as zero, is for some startlingly radical steps to be taken. [see sg ‘…radical’]
As Gates has noted, the technical difficulties involved in getting the whole world to ‘net-zero CO2’ are so awesome that we need some sort of miracle:
Bill Gates: “we need energy miracles” [see vid ‘bill gates FULL ted talk 2010’, 07:10].See vid ‘miracles.
NARRATOR: And, even if such “miracles” were to plop straight into our laps this very minute, Frankie is convinced that mankind could not possibly test them, and then construct working, real-world prototypes using them, and then deploy them GLOBALLY, and get them OPERATIONAL, by the deadline the powers-that-be talk of.
Back in 2010, Gates declared:
Gates: “This is a case where we actually have to drive at full speed and get a miracle in… in a pretty tight timeline” [See 07:37 of full gates ted talk vid]
Frankie is unaware of any such miracle having yet materialized.
At the time we made this film, the world’s population was almost 8 billion – and was increasing rapidly. It seems to Frankie it’d be a titanic challenge to provide a decent amount of energy to such an enormous and growing horde of souls in a ‘net-zero’ way – almost regardless of how much time we had – without a legitimately HUMUNGUS miracle.
NARRATOR: Of course, just as the other environmental warnings cited earlier are all linked to population growth…
…so, when it comes to the amount of CO2 that humans on the planet cause to be emitted, the growing number of humans on the planet is germane:
Sir David Attenborough: “We all know that every additional person will need to use some carbon energy – if only for firewood for cooking – and will therefore create more carbon dioxide.” [see 13:45->14:08 of vid ‘attenborough rsa hd’]. See vid ‘more co2’.
NARRATOR: And, in the 1960s and ’70s, certain influential people mooted the idea of secretly sterilizing whole swathes of the public to bring population figures under control. [see sg ‘sterility drug…’] [Caption: This refers to a 1968 book by Paul Ehrlich.] [See also images ‘787-9_detail’ and ‘IMG_0899’] [Caption: A separate book, published in 1977.]
Frankie’s also conscious that efforts to make anti–fertility vaccines were already underway in the 1980s.
* see sg ‘fert 2’ (a scholarly article from 1989 on “Anti-fertility vaccines”);
And that, even some of those who claim not to share his skepticism over Covid jabs appear to admit that activities aimed at covert sterilization of unwilling communities have already taken place:
Dr. Khalilah Gates: “There is a history of using various, um, experiments, um, and trials in communities of color, um, which include, unfortunately times at which sterilization and, you know, what some have deemed efforts at genocide have occurred throughout history as it relates to medicine”. [See 00:21-00:42 of vid ‘black and brown sterilization’].
NARRATOR: Hence, Frankie worries that the ‘population control’ necessary to help bring CO2 emissions to the level demanded by the powers-that-be could be achieved by an injection that the public are told is simply to protect them from some new disease, but which – in truth – sterilizes the bulk of them over a period of time. (He further reasons that such shots would need to be designed so as not to sterilize too many too quickly, else their true nature would become clear before enough folks had received them.)
NARRATOR: Frankie is far from alone in his apprehension. A poll in late 2020 indicated that nearly one in five U.S. adults believe the Covid affair has been engineered to bring about depopulation.
* “US election poll: One in five believe Covid-19 is a ‘depopulation plan orchestrated by the UN’ amid disturbing rise in conspiracy theories” [See sg ‘1i 2 great indie sg’].
Some folks insist that Frankie’s mistaken because mankind’s numbers will naturally decline as countries become wealthier or their women get better educated and choose to have fewer children. The hitch with this, as far as Frankie’s concerned, is timescales. According to the powers-that-be, we may have time for the citizens of developing countries to get wealthy enough or educated enough that their birth-rate falls below the figure required to replenish their numbers. But, even if it wasn’t true that the resulting babies will then grow up and have children of their own (who will then do likewise), we don’t have time for the actual population size of those countries to come down by a game-changing amount.
To Frankie, this is a particularly vital point to drive home. The publicly-available U.N. forecast is that our numbers will, in fact, grow until at least 2070 [see pic ‘population projection cropped’], and will probably keep rising throughout the century [see pic ‘Population-Infographic…’]. In terms of pronouncements on CO2 made by the powers-that-be, this appears completely untenable to Frankie.
NARRATOR: He can’t help feeling that a COVID jab could BE a way to accomplish the type of population control consistent with those pronouncements.
As we noted earlier, in the third and final part of our film we’ll come to the arguments against Frankie’s theory. But it will also prove useful to look at some further reasons he thinks this way. So, here are 7 of them. (Taken individually, he freely admits they’re inconclusive. But, when considered together, he does see it as very tricky to come up with an innocent explanation for them.)
NARRATOR: There’s just one more thing to say before we start. As we take this brief journey together through Frankie’s mind, there may well be moments when – for one reason or another – some of us are tempted to bale. But…
* If we genuinely care about the ‘Frankies’ in our life, we’ll want to be aware of their thinking – so we’re as well-placed as possible to answer it.
* And, if we want the ‘Frankies’ in our life to listen to our perspective, we need to show we’re prepared to listen to theirs.
* And finally, if we do hear them out and discover that some of their arguments are less ridiculous than we first imagined, this’ll help us be more patient and gracious in our dealings with such people – which, in turn, will help them respect what we have to say.
NARRATOR: Reason 1. [Caption: REASON 1]
NARRATOR: Bill Gates has intimated that the powers-that-be haven’t invested anything like the sort of resources commensurate with finding an ENERGY solution to the CO2 issue they constantly tell us is so grave and so pressing:
Bill Gates: “We need to go for more research funding. You know, when countries get together at places like Copenhagen, they shouldn’t JUST discuss the CO2; they should discuss this innovation agenda. And you’d be stunned at the ridiculously low levels of spending on these innovating approaches” [see vid ‘bill gates Full…’, 18:01; see vid ‘stunned’]; “The R&D piece, it’s crazy how little it’s funded” [Ibid, 27:26; see vid ‘crazy’]. [Caption: 2010 – i.e. more than 12 years after the international commitment on CO2 was signed at Kyoto]. [see sg ‘kyoto’]
NARRATOR: If they aren’t seriously seeking an energy solution, then, assuming what they tell us on CO2 is correct, Frankie infers they must have an ALTERNATIVE solution up their sleeve – and he can’t think of ANY that don’t include stringent population control.
NARRATOR: Reason 2. [Caption: REASON 2]
NARRATOR: The ten different types of “reproductive dysfunction” – some experienced in males, some in females – identified in this article about the jabbed in the UK…
* “Thousands of reports of menstrual irregularities, reproductive dysfunction following COVID vaccines” [see sg ‘fertility stuff’]. [Highlight the words “reproductive dysfunction”!]
…published less than four and a half months after the start of Britain’s Covid-shot roll-out, has served to fuel Frankie’s concern that the jabs are designed to sterilize. As has this piece (which claims there’s a link between mRNA shots – like Pfizer’s and Moderna’s – and the sterilization of wild horses)…
* “The strange link between the sterilization of wild horses and mRNA vaccines” [see sg ‘horses’].
NARRATOR: This article about Covid jabs has also increased his suspicion:
* “Study concludes women’s fertility harmed in vaccinating countries” [see sg ‘fertility’]. [Highlight the word “fertility harmed” and “vaccinating”]
NARRATOR: …as have a number of other items – including these:
* “What is the truth about jabs and baby deaths?” [see sg ‘baby2’]; [Caption: An article offering some disturbing facts and figures.]
* see sg ‘fert5’ – the ‘Proposed Claim for Judicial Review’. [Caption: This document lists several concerns about Covid jabs and fertility].
* see sg ‘fert 3’ (a scholarly article on the “Potential adverse effects of nanoparticles on the reproductive system”) [Caption: 2018. Further such items are listed at].
NARRATOR: Reason 3. [Caption: REASON 3]
NARRATOR: Frankie believes certain people with access to incriminating information have ‘blabbed’ (i.e. they’ve – accidentally or otherwise – exposed parts of the project).
He’s startled, for example, by these 2015 remarks from the former Malaysian Prime Minister about his understanding, after 22 years as Premier of that country, of what was in the pipeline for humanity at the hands of the powers-that-be: [if nec. see sg ‘mohamad 2’. Certainly show a photo, or muted footage, of Dr. Mohamad.]
Dr. Mahathir Mohamad: “The intention also is to reduce the number of people in this world. … [T]o reduce it to 1 billion. Now the population of the world is 7 billion. There would be a need to kill many billions of people or to starve them to death or to prevent them from giving birth in order to reduce the population of this world. This is what is in store for most.” [see vid ‘mohamad full speech’, 13:17->13:51] [Caption: <Give a verbatim transcript of his words>] See vid ‘many billions’.
Frankie has also been spooked by this interview with Professor Sir John Bell – the scientist and academic who oversaw the development of the AstraZeneca Covid shot. [see files ‘sir john bell’ and ‘sir john bell 2’] Note that Frankie’s problem isn’t with the professor’s words, but with the reactions of the interviewer.
Sir John Bell: “[T]hese vaccines are unlikely to completely sterilize the population. They’re very likely to have an effect which works in a percentage… say, 60 or 70 percent. We’ll have to look quite carefully, and the regulators will have to look quite carefully, to make sure that it’s done what we need it to do before it gets approved, so there will be a delay between the outcome of the trial and a decision whether it can be approved as a vaccine. And of course, anything that happens…”
Jon Snow: “Professor Sir John Bell…“
Sir John Bell: “Er… yeah?”
Jon Snow: [Puts hand over whole mouth.] “I’m sorry; I didn’t mean to cut you right off like that.”
[see 01:45 of ‘john bell full interview’]. See vid ‘bell iv’.
NARRATOR: Frankie doesn’t view Sir John Bell as having blabbed – because the word “sterilize” can have a perfectly innocuous meaning in the context of vaccines.
He does, though, find the interviewer’s responses troubling. He suspects the interviewer (a non-scientist by the name of Jon Snow) was unaware of the other, harmless, connotation of the phrase…
Bell: “[T]hese vaccines are unlikely to completely sterilize the population.
FOOTAGE: Just a pic of Snow with hand over mouth. See sg ‘snow’.
Specifically, Frankie finds it disturbing that Snow produced both the hand-over-the-mouth gesture (as if to say, “You’ve let the cat out of the bag!“); and the interruption (as if to say, “Please remember, this is NOT a private Zoom call! Your reckless blabbing is going out to the public!“).
NARRATOR: Frankie has also taken note of what he thinks might be a ‘Freudian slip‘ by the deputy Prime Minister of Great Britain when he referred to Covid shots and reduced fertility in the same sentence – as if there is indeed an intrinsic link between the two:
Dominic Raab: “The impact of the vaccine, the… the 2 or 3 things that are going to be really important, er, if we’re to, er, ease out of lockdown, er, safely and responsibly are, are yes of course the vaccine, er, the therapeutics which aren’t much talked about but the drugs that help, er, take some of the fertility, the… the fatalities out of, erm, those that contract the virus” [see 14:25 of vid ‘signs signs…’]. See vid ‘fertility’.
NARRATOR: And this isn’t the only time Frankie reckons the powers-that-be have produced a revealing ‘Freudian slip’:
Peter Gaynor (FEMA): “The Federal Government continues to take aggressive action and pro-active steps to address the Covid-19 threat as we attack the health and safety or protect the, the health and safety of the American people” [see 16:14 of vid ‘signs signs…’]; See vid ‘fema’.
Joe Biden: “There’s no wall high enough to keep it out. There’s no wall high enough or ocean wide enough to keep us safe from the vaccine in other… from the Covid-19 in other countries” [see 13:15 of vid ‘signs signs…’]; See vid ‘biden’.
Australian Lieutenant General John Frewen (the COVID-19 Taskforce Commander): “Can I say to the Australian community that you should have faith in the vaccines. That you should remember that the consequences of the vaccines are worse than any of the potential side effects, er, and if you are eligible to make a booking, please do make a booking ” [see vid ‘consequences’]. [Caption: <Give his name and title, if nec.>]
NARRATOR: Frankie thinks many others have blabbed too – and that they’ve done so in just about every way one could imagine. We’ll see some purported instances in a minute, and we’ll need to return to the topic – and consider further specimens – in Part 3.
Frankie assumes most potential blabbers would keep quiet for fear of losing their jobs or their pensions. He assumes many others would keep quiet for fear of being ridiculed and ostracized as ‘conspiracy nuts’.
But regardless, here are 12 of his collected examples of supposed ‘blabbing’, presented in a format you can freeze-frame and check up on at your leisure.
[Highlight – e.g. circle in red – the most pivotal words in each sg.]
* “Federal Govt Whistleblower Goes Public with Secret Recordings: ‘Government Doesn’t Want to Show the [COVID] Vaccine is Full of Sh*t’; ‘Shove’ Adverse Effect Reporting ‘Under the Mat’” [see sg ‘whistle1’];
* “Johnson & Johnson: Children Don’t Need the ‘F*cking’ COVID Vaccine Because There Are ‘Unknown Repercussions Down the Road’…” [see sg ‘whistle10’];
* “11 Australian Nurses Blow The Whistle On COVID Vaccine Side Effects” [see sg ‘whistle13’];
* “My front-row view of the Covid drug corruption scandal” [see sg ‘frontrow’];
* “COVID-19: Whistleblower claims WHO tried to force him to change report about Italy’s pandemic protocols” [see sg ‘whistle8’];
* “BREAKING: Facebook Whistleblowers Expose LEAKED INTERNAL DOCS Detailing New Effort to Secretly Censor Vaccine Concerns on a Global Scale” [see sg ‘fb 2’];
* “Retired Sergeant & Nurse from Florida Blows Whistle while Volunteering @ NY’s Epicenter Elmhurst Hospital” [see sg ‘elmhurst2’];
* “Daily Mail Reporter Sally Beck Goes Rogue, Blows Whistle On MSM Cover Up Of Vax Injury” [see sg ‘whistle2’];
* “Project Veritas Releases Rogue Fox Reporter’s Secret Recordings” [see sg ‘fox’];
* “Compelling Testimonies from Covid whistleblowers (video)” [see sg ‘compel’].
* Don’t forget the amazing one from Mark Zuckerberg about altering DNA!!! {}o
NARRATOR: Frankie also assumes that folks in a position to do lethal harm to the project will have been warned that murderous punishments will follow if they endanger it. To support this, he’s been watching out, during the pandemic, for any deaths that appear unnervingly convenient for the powers-that-be. On our website, we currently give details of 60 deaths Frankie’s convinced fall into this category, with a list of others he reckons are more than a little ‘iffy’ that he’s waiting for the chance to investigate. For now though, we’ve got time to give a quick summary of these 7: [Caption:] {}
[Caption: Tanzania; President John Magufuli, 61 (give picture: [see file ‘magu pic’])]
NARRATOR: Almost exactly one month after Tanzania’s president rejected Covid jabs for his country…
* “Tanzania refuses COVID-19 Vaccines” [see sg ‘Tanzan 13’]; [Caption: 13th February 2021];
…he was dead.
* “Tanzania’s president dies after mysterious illness” [see sg ‘Tanzan 3’]; [Caption: 17th March 2021]; [For pics of his casket/funeral see files ‘magu dead 1, 3, 5 & 6’].
[Caption: Burundi; President Pierre Nkurunziza, 55 (give picture: [see file ‘nkurun’])]
NARRATOR: Almost exactly one month after Burundi’s president expelled the World Health Organization officials who were, as this article puts it, “coordinating the coronavirus response”…
* “Burundi Expels WHO officials coordinating coronavirus response” [see sg ‘burundi 1’]; [Caption: 12th May 2020];
…he was dead.
* “Burundi President Nkurunziza dies of ‘cardiac arrest’ at 55” [see sg ‘burundi 3’]; [Caption: 9th June 2020]; [For pics of his casket/funeral, see files ‘nkurun dead 1, 2 & 6->8’];
[Caption: Haiti; President Jovenel Moïse, 53 (give picture: [see file ‘moise’])]
NARRATOR: The President of Haiti rejected the jabs offered by the W.H.O.:
* “Haiti rejects COVID-19 vaccine from WHO” [see sg ‘haiti 9’]; [Caption: 8th April 2021];
NARRATOR: And, almost exactly one month after this article came out – which all but confirmed that the President was in no hurry to see his countrymen jabbed with ANY of the available Covid shots – …
* “Haiti Is the Only Country in Western Hemisphere Without Vaccines” [see sg ‘haiti 4’]; [Caption: 8th June 2021].
NARRATOR: …HE was dead.
* “Haiti declares ‘state of siege’ after assassination of President Jovenel Moïse” [see sg ‘moise assass 4’]; [Caption: 7th July 2021] [For pics of his casket/funeral, see files ‘moise fun 1, 3, 4 & 7’].
[Caption: Kenya, Dr. Stephen Kimotho Karanja, (age unknown) (give picture: [see image ‘karanja9’; for video of him see ])]
NARRATOR: Then there’s Kenya. In this case, the country’s President promoted the jabs, but there was a good deal of hesitancy among the populace.
* “Resistance to vaccine in Kenya hampers COVID-19 fight” [see sg ‘karan7’].
One major impediment was Dr. Stephen Karanja, a consultant obstetrician and gynecologist, and chair of the Kenya Catholic Doctors Association. He’d issued a press release, arguing – among other things – that the Covid jabs were “unsafe”, and appealing to his fellow Kenyans to avoid taking them.
* “The Kenya Catholic Doctors Association recently issued a press statement discouraging people from getting Covid-19 vaccines, calling them ‘unnecessary’ and ‘unsafe’.” [see sg ‘karan9’]. [Caption: 3rd Mar. 2021].
NARRATOR: The following month, he was dead.
* “Chairman of the Kenya Catholic Doctors Dr. Stephen Karanja is Dead” [see sg ‘karan8’]. [Caption: 29th April 2021].
[Caption: Germany, Thomas Oppermann, 66 (give picture: [see file ‘oppermann’])]
NARRATOR: Over in Germany, there was Thomas Oppermann. He was one of the Vice Presidents of the Bundestag – the national parliament of Germany. He criticized the government’s Covid policies as being “disproportionate and discriminatory”. [see sg ‘opp’] [Caption: 16th Oct 2021 (Google Translation)] Nine days later, just minutes before he was due to take part in a TV interview on Covid, he collapsed. He was taken to hospital but died later that day.
* “Collapse in the ZDF broadcast: SPD politician Thomas Oppermann is dead” [see sg ‘opp2’]; [Caption: 25th October 2020 (Google Translation)] [Note to self: For original article, see sg ‘opp3’]
[Caption: Mario Ohoven, 74, (give picture: [see file ‘ohoven1’])]
NARRATOR: A fellow German by the name of Mario Ohoven was President of the Federal Association of Medium-Sized Enterprises. He questioned the government’s decision to start a second lockdown, asking if the move was proportionate and constitutional. He announced that his association would investigate the matter and would take the authorities to court if necessary. Two days later – and less than one week after the demise of Thomas Oppermann – he was dead. [see sgs ‘ohoven 2 & 4’]
FOOTAGE for text: Give a photo of Noack.
[Caption: Austria, Dr. Andreas Noack, 57 (give picture: [see file ‘Noack-Andreas…’])] [Footage of police raid is in vid ‘police’ and ‘police2’. By all means show stills. See various ‘noackpol’ sgs.]
NARRATOR: And, finally for this film…
Staying with our German friends (albeit, on this occasion, one who’d moved to Austria after his flat had been raided by German special forces in an action they claim was totally unrelated to him or his efforts to warn the public about the jabs [see sg ‘noack4’]), a well-qualified chemist, Dr. Andreas Noack, made a video giving his view on the jabs and urging people not to take them. [see sg ‘noack2’] [Caption: 3rd Nov 2021].
Three days later, he was dead. [see sg ‘noack3’] [Caption: 26th Nov. 2021]
[For HD footage of his wife announcing his death, see ]
NARRATOR: In light of these, and another 53 very convenient-looking deaths, Frankie has little difficulty imagining many people being talked into quietly complying with a project to sterilize much of humanity in order to save the world.
NARRATOR: Reason 4. [Caption: REASON 4]
NARRATOR: Frankie thinks the Covid affair was planned – and he’s collected a large amount of evidence for this. To make sure viewers aren’t caught off-guard if a particular incarnation of Frankie in their own lives should bring any of it up, we’ve taken the decision to put the material onto our website. But here’s a taster.
Firstly, there are grounds for believing the virus was lab-edited.
* “‘Rogue’ Chinese Virologist Publishes ‘Smoking Gun’ Evidence COVID-19 Created In Lab” [see sg ‘labcreated’];
* “Scientists claim Covid virus contains tiny chunk of DNA that ‘matches sequence patented by Moderna THREE YEARS before pandemic began'” [see sg ‘moderna2’];
* “Media Downplayed Or Ignored These 8 Lab Leak Theory Facts For Over A Year” [see sg ‘lab1000’].
NARRATOR: This article alone contains several such grounds:
* “10 reasons why scientists believe coronavirus originated from lab in Wuhan, China” [see sg ‘lab2000’].
Unknown Commentator: “3.7 million dollars flowed from the National Institute of Health here in the U.S. to the Wuhan lab in China – the same lab where many people have said that this coronavirus infection first originated. We also now know that NIAID – the Department associated with the National Institute of Health – of which Dr. Anthony Fauci is in control – had already been conducting experiments with the Wuhan lab in the past in regard to coronavirus.” [see vid ‘plandemic’, 11:24->11:54]. See vid ‘wuhan’.
Then there’s the fact that Dr. Fauci, in a talk on pandemic preparedness, stated unequivocally – three full years before the pandemic was declared – that the Trump Administration would definitely experience a “surprise outbreak” of an infectious disease:
Tony Fauci: “[T]he topic today is the issue of pandemic, er, preparedness. … [T]here is no question that there will be a challenge to the coming administration in the arena of infectious diseases… [T]here will be a surprise outbreak“ [See vid ‘fauci surprise outbreak’]. [Caption: January 2017] See vids ‘surprise1 & 2’.
Next, conspiracy theorists sometimes use the word “PLAN-demic” to describe the Covid-19 situation – to highlight their belief that the pandemic was planned. Thus, they find this statement by the White House Press Secretary to be a little telling:
Jennifer Psaki: “Their conversations will be wide-ranging, to cover a range of topics of mutual interest; everything from Covid-19 and, er, our efforts to address the global plandemic to [the video then repeats the last bit a couple of times for impact]“ [see 12:45->13:03 of vid ‘signs signs everywhere’]. [Caption: Jennifer Psaki, August 25, 2021] See vid ‘psaki plan’.
FOOTAGE/Image for following text: “Now is the time for a ‘great reset'” [see sg ‘great reset’].
Fourthly, Frankie sees the nature and timing of the Covid crisis as too perfect a fit with the agenda of key groups and organizations for it all to be a coincidence:
Klaus Schwab: “[W]e now have a window of opportunity to create this global reset which we all need” [see vid ‘schwabopportunity’]; [Caption: Klaus Schwab, founder of the World Economic Forum] See vid ‘schwab’.
Fifthly, it does seem weird to Frankie that – when, according to this detailed analysis [see sg ‘success6’], it takes an average of ten years to bring to market a vaccine that targets human infectious diseases [see sg ‘success5’], and only 6% of vaccines succeed in reaching that point – so many Covid jabs were created and authorized so quickly. One was being injected into the public less than 12 MONTHS from Covid first hitting the headlines. [see sg ’31st dec 2019′]
Sixthly, Frankie finds it very odd that the head of the American Department of Defense was able to state, right back in May 2020 that, within just a year of the date most of us even heard Covid might represent a problem, a shot would not only complete its development, but would also be accepted by the powers-that-be for a public roll-out:
Mark Esper: “We will deliver, by the end of this year, a vaccine, at scale, to treat the American people and our partners abroad” [see 00:22 of vid ‘Esper’] See vid ‘esperscale’. [Caption: May 15, 2020]
Popeye: “Wha’ happened?!” [‘Shuteye Popeye’, 1:50ish]. See vid ‘happened’.
Frankie doesn’t understand how anyone could possibly have known this would prove to be the case at that early stage – unless the pandemic was planned.
Finally, along with those deaths Frankie sees as highly convenient which took place AFTER the pandemic was announced, there were also some convenient-looking deaths shortly BEFORE that point.
* “Frank Plummer – Canadian Scientist Key To Coronavirus Investigation Assassinated In Africa?” [see sg ‘plummer’]; [Caption: Plummer was 67. He died on 4th Feb 2020.]
* “Whistleblower doctor Li Wenliang dies in Wuhan” [see sg ‘li 2’]; [Caption: Wenliang was 34. He died on 7th February 2020.]
* “WHO Announces Sudden Passing Of Peter Salama, Executive Director Of WHO’s Division For UHC” [see sg ‘salama 3’] [Caption: For some of the reasons Frankie thinks his death convenient, see the online article “Prominent Australian epidemiologist Doctor Peter Salama dies” [see sg ‘salama’].]
FOOTAGE for following text: Pic, or silent footage, of Kary Mullis. See 00:04->00:45 of vid ‘mullis2’. See vid ‘silent mullis’.
One such was that of Dr. Kary Mullis, a Nobel Prize Winner in chemistry who died in August 2019 – just 4 months before China’s first acknowledged case of Covid. [see sg ‘first case’] Why does Frankie think his death convenient? There are 2 reasons: [See sg ‘first case2’]
* “Did flawed PCR tests convince us Covid was worse than it really was?” [see sg ‘PCR’].
The first is that the ‘PCR‘ test – used so widely, especially in the pivotal early stages of the pandemic – has a feature which means that, if one dials its sensitivity up or down sufficiently, it can essentially produce whatever Covid case-rates the powers-that-be desire. And, since Mullis invented PCR, he’d have been able to expose the abuse of it in a compelling way.
– Pic or Footage of Fauci (e.g. the one of him by his swimming pool).
The other reason his death looks convenient is that the powers-that-be wanted Fauci to be trusted – but, judging by an interview Mullis gave to ‘SPIN’ magazine, he saw Fauci as an… [see sg ‘Fauci3’, “a**hole”]
…and something even ruder [see sg ‘Fauci4’, but ‘bleep’ the word “f**kers”]. Mullis felt this way because he firmly believed that, during the AIDS epidemic of the ’80s, Fauci’s actions – along with those of a chap called Dr. Robert Gallo – had led to the deaths of tens of thousands of people. [see sg ‘Fauci5’]
Crucially, Mullis said he was willing to confront figures high up in the medical establishment – and to ask difficult questions of them on camera [see sg ‘Fauci5’]. It goes without saying that his Nobel Prize meant he had the sort of ‘kudos’ to have caused real problems had he done so.
Kary Mullis: “[T]hey don’t want dissent. They don’t want people like me walking up and asking them those kind of questions. And they’re willing to, like, go to great lengths to prevent that.” [see vid ‘mullis2’ see 6:00->6:20] See vid ‘confront’.
NARRATOR: That then, is our ‘taster‘ of reasons why Frankie thinks the Covid affair was planned. But, as viewers will see if they visit our site, he’s actually found dozens of others. [Caption:]
NARRATOR: Reason 5. [Caption: REASON 5]
NARRATOR: In an article Boris Johnson penned in 2007 (before he’d gained any real political power), he noted: “The U.N. last year revised its forecasts upwards, predicting that there will be 9.2 billion people by 2050, and I simply cannot understand why no one discusses this impending CALAMITY, and why NO world statesmen have the guts to treat the issue with the seriousness it deserves.” [see sg ‘bojo art 4’].
NARRATOR: In times past, world statesmen and the like did display alarm over global population figures. In the late 1970s for instance, President Carter termed the situation, “a major environmental problem of world dimensions”.
* “Rapid population growth is a major environmental problem of world dimensions. World population increased from three to four billion in the last 15 years, substantially canceling out expansion in world food production and economic growth of the same period.” [see sg ‘carter’, or create our own slide] [Caption: Jimmy Carter, ‘The Environment Message to the Congress’, May 23, 1977]
NARRATOR: In 1992, when the global population was about 2 and a half billion less than it is today [see sg ‘pop 1992’], U.N. Under-Secretary-General Maurice Strong proclaimed:
Maurice Strong: “Population must be stabilized, and rapidly. If we do not do it, nature will, and much more brutally.” [see vid ‘maurice s quote on populn’, 06:45] [Caption: <Give a verbatim transcript>] See vid ‘stabil’.
FOOTAGE for following text: Photo of David Rockefeller. See pic ‘rock2’
NARRATOR: And, in 1994, top-level diplomatic emissary David Rockefeller said:
David Rockefeller: “The negative impact of population growth on all of our planetary ecosystems is becoming appallingly evident.” [Date = Sept 1994; see 01:22 of vid ‘Vital Rockefeller vid corrected’.] [Caption: <Give Rockefeller’s statement in text form>] See vid ‘negative’.
NARRATOR: But, something appears to have happened at some point thereafter, resulting in comments like these from top-level politicians and diplomats drying up.
NARRATOR: Frankie worries that the reason leaders of this ‘stripe’ ceased to express alarm about global population figures was because scientific advances were made that proved, firstly, that it’d be perfectly possible to design a jab with all the characteristics needed to covertly cause sterilization; and secondly, that it’d be perfectly possible to [PLEASE READ THE REST OF THIS PARA OUT VERY SLOWLY] alter a virus so it had all the features necessary to enable the politicians to get away with letting it spread across the globe, while also enabling them to convince the citizens of the globe to take the aforementioned jab as a protection from it.
In such a scenario, world leaders would need to stop showing serious anxiety about population figures – since the public would be hugely discouraged from taking the jab if they associated the very people who were pushing so assiduously for its acceptance with a passionate desire for population reduction.
NARRATOR: Frankie feels we can now come full circle – because Boris Johnson later became a high-level politician himself. In his aforementioned article, [see sg ‘bojo art 1’] he’d written: “How the hell can we witter on about tackling global warming, and reducing consumption, when we are continuing to add so relentlessly to the number of consumers?“ [see sg ‘bojo art 4’]. He’d also stated that, “the biggest single challenge facing the Earth; … The primary challenge facing our species is the reproduction of our species itself.” [see sg ‘bojo art 2’]. And he’d rounded off by rhetorically asking, “Isn’t it time politicians stopped being so timid, and started talking about the real number one issue?” [see sg ‘bojo art 7’].
Yet, ever since Johnson landed one of the 4 great offices of the British state in July 2016, well over 3 and a half years before the Covid-19 pandemic was announced, Frankie’s unaware of him coming out with so much as a peep about the size, or growth, of the global population. By contrast, he’s proved a vocal and zealous proponent of Covid jabs.
Boris Johnson: “There is … a wonderful thing you can give your family and the whole country – and that is, to get that jab!” [see 02:30 of vid ‘boris Johnson urges…’] See vid ‘get that jab’.
NARRATOR: Reason 6. [Caption: REASON 6]
NARRATOR: Frankie reckons the powers-that-be have taken certain steps that prove the main purpose of the jabs isn’t as advertised. We’ll look at his logic on 3 of them here, and we’ll cover the others in the final Part of our film.
NARRATOR: We need to introduce this discussion by observing that Frankie believes the powers-that-be have extolled the shots to an excessive degree.
Rachel Maddow: “[T]he virus stops with every vaccinated person. A vaccinated person gets exposed to the virus? The virus does not infect them. The virus cannot then use that person to go anywhere else.” [see 00:40-01:03 of vid ‘maddow’]; See vid ‘mad’.
Tony Fauci: “When people are vaccinated, they can feel safe that they are not going to get infected, whether they are outdoors or indoors” [see 03:20ish of vid ‘fauci10’]; See vid ‘fauci10a’. ] “The risk is extremely low of getting infected, of getting sick or of transmitting it to anybody else, full stop.” [see 09:45 of vid ‘fauci10’]; See vid ‘fauci10b’. ]
Dr. Ashish Jha: “I really believe this is why God gave us 2 arms – one for the flu shot and the other one for the Covid shot“ [see 00:00 of vid ‘why God gave us 2 arms’]. [Caption: The White House Covid Response Co-ordinator, Dr. Ashish Jha]
FOOTAGE for following text: Start showing our collected sgs of rule-breaking by the ptb.
NARRATOR: Next, we must point out that, even before the jabs were authorized for emergency use, the powers-that-be seemed to behave – in Frankie’s eyes – in ways that showed they simply weren’t afraid of catching Covid. And this behavior wasn’t just seen from people who were young and in good shape but also from those who were aged or unfit.
NARRATOR: This apparent lack of fear of Covid amongst the powers-that-be (even before the jabs came on-stream) has led Frankie to wonder if these people perhaps know of ways by which one can naturally strengthen one’s immune system so it’s able, in most people at least, to cope very well when confronted with the virus.
NARRATOR: Another reason he wonders if this might be the case is that he believes the powers-that-be, at least in the countries he’s researched, have shown themselves to be very reticent to inform the public about even simple dietary tweaks, or inexpensive supplements, that would boost their immune systems so their bodies are better placed to battle the virus.
FOOTAGE for following text: Silent footage of Rogan interviewing Gupta.
Frankie feels the following clip helps prove his point. It’s taken from an interview Joe Rogan had with Dr. Sanjay Gupta of CNN which took place 19 months after the W.H.O.’s announcement of a pandemic. [see sg ‘pandemic’]
Joe Rogan: “Why don’t we encourage people…”
Gupta: “We need… Well…”
Rogan: “Why is there all this talk of just, ‘Go and get vaccinated’? Why isn’t the President, why isn’t the press secretary, why isn’t all these major news… Why are they saying… If they… All they have to say is ‘Get vaccinated’. That’s all you ever hear. Why isn’t there, ‘You’ve got to take care of your body’? It’s the… it’s the front line. And not just for Covid, but the front line defense for everything that ails us”.
Gupta: “I think that, um, it’s been an issue for a long time, it remains an issue. It needs to be addressed”.
[see vid ‘excellent review…’, 07:23]. See vids ‘gupta 1st‘and ‘gupta appx’.
FOOTAGE for following text: Just an official CNN pic of him from their webpage.
NARRATOR: Frankie wryly observes that Dr. Gupta – as chief medical correspondent for CNN right from the start of the pandemic – was one of the best-placed people in the whole of the United States to have “addressed this issue” during those crucial 19 months… had he wanted to.
For another example, Frankie randomly selected a U.S. state and went to the website of its Department of Health. In Illinois, the answer to the question “How can I help protect myself?” as supplied more than 2 years after the pandemic was declared, offers not a single word of advice regarding ANYTHING to do with helping your immune system – other than taking the shot, of course. [see sgs ‘idph’ & ‘vid 1 idph’]
Gov. Jim Justice: “All we got… All we can possibly do to stop this is get to vaccinated. That’s all we can do.” [see 21:51 of (older) vid ‘Gov. Justice holds…’]
NARRATOR: When Frankie researches the topic of fortifying one’s immune system, he does indeed find qualified doctors who have, since the earliest times, been reporting safe and inexpensive ways to do so that are apparently so effective that they make the virus a relatively easy thing for most people to shake off. To substantiate this remark about Frankie, we’ve placed details on our site. [Caption:]
NARRATOR: This whole affair has led Frankie to wonder if there might also be cheap, safe, and effective preventatives and/or treatments for dealing with Covid that’ve been suppressed by the CDC and others. [see sgs ‘cdc proph’ and ‘cdc proph2’, neither of which give a single word about prophylaxis]
And, sure enough, when he goes online, he learns that qualified doctors have long been reporting both things – including physicians who’ve been treating Covid patients throughout the pandemic who’ve been claiming, since the very early days, EXCELLENT results with various safe and affordable therapeutics, and who’ve consistently attested to great things for some cheap and safe preventatives. He’s also learned of many studies and trials that appear to FULLY back up these testimonies.
He’s also seen evidence that people in power have been taking immune-system-boosting supplements – AND have been utilizing the very preventatives and treatments that doctors online have been espousing since the early days but that the authorities and the mainstream media publicly lambasted until the vast majority of the public had been jabbed and it was too late. Again, to corroborate our statements about Frankie, we’ve put specifics on our site. [Caption:]
NARRATOR: As well as over-blowing the effectiveness of the jabs, Frankie feels the powers-that-be have also unjustifiably pushed us towards the jabs by over-stating the danger posed by Covid. [See sg ‘sherl4’]
NARRATOR: When communicating with the public about Covid-19, the powers-that-be have, as we saw in Part 1, often categorized SARS-CoV-2 [pronounced “SARS Koh Vee Too”] – the virus that causes Covid-19 – as a “deadly“, “lethal“, “killer” virus. Not just “potentially deadly”, or “sometimes deadly”, or even “frequently deadly” – but out-and-out “deadly“. Occasionally, the description got even stronger:
FOOTAGE: A “deadly killer”! See sg ‘2 g 1c killer v 6a’. See all 4 of them. Plus 3 of “lethal killer”.
This, despite the CDC’s own published estimate that the risk to someone in Frankie’s age group of dying from this virus (even back before the first shots were authorized for emergency use) was only 0.02%, or 1 in 5,000. [show the relevant sgs.]
FOOTAGE: 2nd batch of 12 sgs.
NARRATOR: To Frankie, it’s plain that the powers-that-be are extraordinarily keen for us to get jabbed. However, their apparent lack of fear of getting infected by Covid – dating back to the days before shots were available – makes their keenness look suspicious.
Take, for example, the U.S. mayor who warned the public that SARS-Cov-2 was a “deadly virus”. The very next day, his own wife was found at a social gathering, in a local tavern, in violation of a statewide stay-at-home order. [see sgs ‘pol 107’, ‘pol 108’ & ‘brant’ and ‘brant2’]. [Caption: 7th April 2020]
And the apparently gargantuan reluctance, among the powers-that-be, to educate the public on ways to naturally build up their immune systems, tells him they don’t have the health of the public uppermost.
Taken together, these behaviors say to him that their reason for pushing the jabs isn’t to protect society from Covid.
Many of the still–unjabbed members of the public have reached the conclusion that Covid is dramatically less dangerous to society than the powers-that-be have often insinuated – and this has done nothing to encourage such folks to accept the shots.
FOOTAGE for following text: A headline about ‘long-covid’. [see sgs ‘longcovid1->8’]
– Re long Covid, see Dr. David Lloyd in vid ‘fantastically safe’.
To counter this, the powers-that-be have argued that taking the jab is vital in order to minimize the risk of experiencing what’s frequently called “long-Covid” – or of facing other, perhaps as yet unknown, types of medium- or long-term harm from the virus.
FOOTAGE for following text: More of our 36 sgs/memes etc.
But again, the seeming lack of fear amongst the powers-that-be at the prospect of catching Covid, even right back in the early days before there were any shots, strongly suggests to Frankie that, except for a few people in extreme circumstances, medium- and long-term harm from the virus need never occur.
[Give a final set of sgs about rule-breaking by the Elite]
Frankie reckons that, if the powers-that-be were genuinely working for the health of ‘Joe Public’, they’d have done an immeasurably better job of promoting natural ways to boost his immune system. Because, if your body is able to fight off the virus before it can infect you, the virus has no chance of causing you any medium- or long-term harm. And administering good preventatives and sensible early treatments to citizens would likewise vastly reduce the danger of such harm (as well as ensuring our hospitals don’t get overrun due to Covid).
NARRATOR: The implication of all this (in Frankie’s view) is that the agenda behind the jabs IS NOT what the powers-that-be are claiming it is.
NARRATOR: And lastly, Reason 7. [Caption: REASON 7]
NARRATOR: To Frankie, the powers-that-be have shown themselves to be in an inordinate hurry to jab the young. He believes they’ve moved much too fast on this, given the lack of long-term safety data on the shots and the unutterably minuscule threat to this demographic of even being hospitalized by Covid – let alone dying from it.
For instance, a study out of Cambridge University in England found school–age children stood a greater chance of being struck by lightning than of dying from Covid [see sg ‘lightning 4’].
* “School age children more likely to be hit by lightning than die of coronavirus” [see sg ‘lightning 2’].
The powers-that-be insist the young should be jabbed to protect the elderly and vulnerable. But Frankie thinks it unreasonable to ask the young, with their whole lives ahead of them, to take the risk associated with a new shot – especially as the Pfizer and Moderna jabs (at least) use a technology platform that has an unsettling history (to put it mildly) and has “never made it to licensure before”.
* “The U.S. government’s Operation Warp Speed program, … is ‘weighted toward technology platforms that have never made it to licensure before.'” [see sg ‘vid 1 new’]
NARRATOR: Apropos the wisdom (or otherwise) of jabbing young people, Frankie’s also exercised by the multitude of Covid-shot-related debacles he’s witnessed, such as these:
Tony Fauci: “We know now that these vaccines are highly, highly effective, number 1. Number 2, they’re really, really good against variants” [see 00:20ish of vid ‘fauci highly’, or better see 02:40 of vid ‘fauci10’]; see vid ‘variants’.
Dr. Monica Gandhi: “Essentially, vaccines block you from getting and giving, um, the virus” [see 00:53 of vid ‘vid 2 vid 3 why are we still listening to…’] [Caption: March 30, 2021]
Rochelle Walensky: “Our data from the CDC today suggests, um, you know, that, that vaccinated people do not carry the virus; don’t get sick; um, and, and that it’s not just in the clinical trials but it’s also in real-world data” [see 00:00 of vid ‘how much to trust pharma trials…’]. [Caption: 30th March 2021]
NARRATOR: If, as Frankie suspects, the shots are indeed meant to sterilize, then the enthusiasm of the powers-that-be to inject the young and healthy without delay despite such fiascos makes perfect sense.
(Viewers may be wondering why, if the shots are about sterilization, there’d be any rush to jab children. Frankie’s position is that, if the jabs are going to sterilize, then – even though the powers-that-be would obviously need to ensure it takes at least 2 to 3 years for most people to become infertile (else the truth about the jabs would become too evident to the public before enough people had had them) – children would need to be jabbed as quickly as decently possible after parents became comfortable with the idea; else, as soon as problems with the jabs emerged, the natural caution of parents would lead them to stop their little ones being injected. Of course, by the time today’s little ones approach child-rearing age, the sterilizing effect of the shots would be as plain as a pikestaff – and they’d refuse to take them.)
[Tony Fauci: “Now we’re going to go 12 to 9, 9 to 6, 6 to 2 years, and 6 months to 2 years” [see vid ‘signs signs everywhere’, 10:54].]
NB Note how some governments have even arranged for children to be jabbed WITHOUT PARENTAL CONSENT (e.g. in Canada).
Unknown actor: “I knew it. I knew it.”
Unknown actor: “[You] created a panic, and now everyone’s begging for the vaccine.” [01:15]
John Cusack: “We intend to stop human reproduction for 3 generations. The busy, endless, global assembly-line of babies will grind to a halt.”
Unknown actor: “You’re sterilizing people?”
John Cusack: “Uh-huh. The first 5 years we”ll start to see major birth-rate declines as teenagers vaccinated today hit their child-bearing years.”
Unknown actor: “You’re controlling the future of human civilization?”
John Cusack: “Is that what they’re calling it? A very nice euphemism for a species that has replicated like a contagion across the planet, killing all other species in its wake…” [02:41]
Unknown actor: “You hate people that much?”
John Cusack: “On the contrary, I love people.”
Unknown actor: “Then how…why would you…”
John Cusack: “…doing what our government or our citizenry are too spoiled or self-indulgent to do. We are saving ourselves FROM ourselves.”
Unknown actor: “Halting overpopulation.”
John Cusack: “A hundred years ago, the global population was 1.7 billion. In 2011 it reached…”
Unknown actor: “7 billion.”
John Cusack: “People live too long; die less often…” [03:34]
Unknown actor: “In 2050 they say it’s going to plateau.”
Unknown actor: “[Noises of disagreement] We’ll blow PAST 11 billion and then slowly begin to decline.”
John Cusack: “But by then it’ll be too late to save an Earth that bears any resemblance to a world we actually want to live in. Global warming. Mass extinction. Food, water shortages. All these problems can be put/boiled down to one thing. Overpopulation.” [see 03:59 of vid ‘Utopia’]
NARRATOR: Frankie possesses further reasons to believe the jabs are meant to sterilize – or at least that their true purpose isn’t as billed. We look at these on our site. [Caption:]
NARRATOR: Taken together, they’ve persuaded him that – if he did get the shot and were then to leave it more than a couple of years before trying to procreate – …
Popeye: “There’s no ‘ifs’ or ‘maybes’, I’ll never have babies, I’m [Frankie] the sailor man” [see 06:51->06:54 of ‘Little Swee’ Pea’]. See vid ‘never have’.
NARRATOR: The final part of this film goes beyond merely pointing out the third, and main, reason why Frankie has long distrusted the powers-that-be when it comes to the jabs. The lion’s share of the video is dedicated to arguments that can be made against his theory. (We also forearm viewers by giving prior warning of Frankie’s likely responses to those arguments. And we make known the full extent of his fears about the shots. Interestingly, they don’t stop at sterilization.)
[Caption: For links to all official, unadulterated copies of Part 3, visit us at]
[Caption: Copyright © Deke ‘n’ Tammy Nation, 2023. We encourage viewers to download and share this video; but it must not be portrayed as a true and complete copy if it has been altered in any way beyond the addition of accurate subtitles. Thanks for understanding.]