Please note that the following is the latest version of the script. The video version is not as up-to-date.





Draft Script for new documentary:




PART 1 of 3



Note to all readers: Sincere apologies for the large amount of italicization, underlining etc in this script. It has been added as a guide for the narrator.




[Fade into ‘Fair Use’ text + Disclaimer]


[Freeze the picture and give the sound of a stylus being hurriedly dragged off a record. See vid ‘scratch’.]


NARRATOR: Right. The much-loved old cartoon character Popeye has nothing to do with Covid-19 (as far as we know). But, to add some extra color, humor, and fun to this film, we’ve co-opted him to illustrate the sort of person who’s long been horribly skeptical about the shot.


NARRATOR: We shan’t talk about Popeye himself. Instead, we’ll refer to an identical twin brother by the name of Frankie, who – completely by chance, of course – happens to have a life that’s indistinguishable from Popeye’s.


NARRATOR: We’re also cognizant of the fact that many viewers are fed up to the back teeth of hearing about the Covid shots. But we positively guarantee, not only that this film approaches things in a unique, balanced, and entertaining way, but also that, by the end, you’ll be seriously glad you watched it.


NARRATOR: Okay, let’s get moving.


John Avlon (CNN): “[O]ver a quarter of Americans have decided not to get a shot” [Caption: 30th April 2021]


NARRATOR: Why did Frankie, and so many other folks, refuse the jab? (As we’ll see, this is an immensely important question for the future.) Some observers think it was simply down to these individuals being:


Gov. Phil Murphy: “selfish” [see 00:10 of vid ‘Not getting COVID…’]; see vid ‘murphy_self’.


Michael Gove: “selfish” [see 00:26 of vid ‘gove’]; see vid ‘gove_self’.


Brad Hazzard: “Extremely selfish” [see 01:40 of vid ‘hazzard’]. see vid ‘hazzard_self’.


NARRATOR: However, it’s worth pausing for a minute to check this.


NARRATOR: If we cast our minds back to the first 2 years after the global emergency was announced in January 2020, the general way the authorities portrayed Covid was such as to cause most of us to want [Please place a heavy emphasis on the word ‘personal’] PERSONAL protection from…


Unknown TRT news reporter: “the deadly coronavirus” [see 00:09 of vid ‘trt deadly’];


Unknown news reporter: “the deadly disease” [See 00:10 of vid ‘disease’];


Unknown ABC news reporter: “the deadly new virus spreading around the world” [See 00:00 of vid ‘spreading’].


FOOTAGE: See Newsweek cover.


NARRATOR: If we’re honest, the manner in which the media depicted matters led us to be more than a wee bit anxious about our [please place an emphasis on the word ‘own’] OWN safety.


[Unknown Channel 9 news reporter: “Governments across the world are desperately trying anything they can to contain the virus” [see 00:00 of vid ‘drastic’].]


NARRATOR: Given this, let’s play a quick game. Imagine you were to tell somebody that they’re at huge [please place a big emphasis on the word ‘personal’] PERSONAL risk of picking up a…


Unknown reporter: “deadly virus” [see 00:01 of ‘Deadly Coronavirus from Wuhan…’]. See vid ‘Deadly virus’.


 NARRATOR: …- but that there also exists a vaccine for it that’s…


Dr. Katherine O’Brien: “incredibly effective” [see 00:30 of vid ‘ ‘WHO’s Science in 5 …’] Date = Aug 13, 2021 VERY GOOD. See vid ‘WHO’.




– Internal note: Pick best 3 of these:


[Dr. Jan Fizzell: “incredibly safe” [see 12:35 of vid ‘fizzell’] Date = July 29, 2021 [Caption: Dr. Jan Fizzell, Senior Medical Advisor at New South Wales Health] GOOD]


Dr. Kristina Marie Box: “incredibly safe” [see 44:38 of vid ‘INDIANA’] Date = Aug 27, 2021 [Caption: Dr. Kris Box, Indiana State Health Commissioner] V GOOD. See vid ‘is INDIANA’.


Dr. James Hall: “incredibly safe” [see 01:28 of vid ‘hall’] Date = Nov 1st, 2021 [Caption: Dr. James Hall, Corsicana and Navarro County Public Health Department, Texas.] GOOD. See vid ‘is hall’.


Dr. Steve Stites: “incredibly safe” [see 24:45 of vid ‘kansas’] Date = Apr 26, 2021 [Caption: Dr. Steve Stites, Chief Medical Officer, University of Kansas Health System] V GOOD. See vid ‘is kansas’.


NARRATOR: If the other person responded to your warning by declining the shot, you might reasonably wonder whether they’d heard you correctly; but you probably wouldn’t accuse them of being…


Brad Hazzard: “Extremely selfish” [see 01:40 of vid ‘hazzard’]. see vid ‘hazzard_self’.


NARRATOR: Let’s now imagine you were to redouble your efforts to persuade this person to accept the shot. Let’s suppose you were to confidently state that it’s a virtual certainty they’ll be infected by a virus that’s…


Unknown reporter: “deadly” [see 1:33 of vid ‘Officials worry…’]. See vid ‘officials deadly’.

Unknown reporter: “deadly” [see 00:10 (also 00:48) of vid ‘Scramble to stop…’]. See vid ‘scramble deadly’.

Unknown reporter: “deadly” [see 00:13 of vid ‘First U.S. case…’]. See vid ‘first deadly’.


NARRATOR: …but, that an immunization is available that’s…


Dr. Stephanie Jackson: “incredibly safe and effective” [see 00:11 of vid ‘Is the COVID-19…’] Date = Mar 9th, 2021 [Caption not required] V GOOD. See vid ‘is Is the COVID-19’.


Dr. Christine Nefcy: “incredibly safe and effective” [see 09:08 of vid ‘munson’] Date = Apr 15, 2021 [Caption: Dr. Christine Nefcy, Chief Medical Officer, Munson Healthcare] GOOD, See vid ‘is munson’.


Dr. Natasha Bagdasarian: “incredibly safe and effective” [see 06:45 of vid ‘MDHHS…’] Date = ???Clearly quite early{}, 2021 [Caption: Dr. Natasha Bagdasarian, Senior Public Health Physician, Michigan Department of Health and Human Services] GOOD (face is just in corner of screen though). See vid ‘is MDHHS’.


Matt Bieber: “incredibly safe and effective” [see 03:15 of vid ‘inc safe’] Date = Apr 23, 2021 [Caption: Matt Bieber, Communications Director at the New Mexico Dept of Health] AVERAGE. See vid ‘is inc_safe’.


[Dr. Barry Pakes: “incredibly safe and effective” [see 07:06 of vid ‘pakes’] Date = Aug 20, 2021 [Caption: Dr. Barry Pakes, Director of Public Health and Preventive Medicine, University of Toronto] GOOD, except you don’t see him onscreen, so add photo. See vid ‘is pakes’.]


Dr. John Brownstein: “incredibly safe and effective” [see 00:07 of vid ‘brownstein2’] Date = Mar 1, 2021 [Caption: (None needed, but… Dr. John Brownstein, Chief Innovation Officer, Boston Children’s Hospital)] V GOOD. See vid ‘is brownstein2’.


Dr. Ben Kleifgen: “incredibly safe and incredibly effective” [see 03:30 of vid ‘ben’] Date = July 2, 2021 [Caption: Dr. Ben Kleifgen, Washington Health System Pediatrician] GOOD. See vid ‘is ben’.


Dr. Michael Osterholm: “incredibly safe and … incredibly effective” [see 04:48 of vid ‘Dr. Osterholm…’]. Date = Aug 25th 2021 [Caption: Dr. Michael Osterholm, Director, Center for Infectious Disease Research and Policy, Univ. of Minnesota] GOOD (you don’t see him onscreen though, so add photo). See vid ‘is Osterholm’.


NARRATOR:  Lastly, let’s suppose you were to ‘put the icing on the cake’ by saying something along one of these lines:


Jeff Zients: “For the unvaccinated, you’re looking at a winter of severe illness and death” [See 04:43 of vid ‘White House COVID…’] [Caption: Date: 17th Dec 2021] See vid ‘winter’.


Tony Fauci: “If you’re vaccinated, you don’t have a risk. [And that’s the reason why we say it’s as simple as black and white.] You’re vaccinated, you’re safe; you’re unvaccinated you’re at risk. Simple as that.” [See 5:40 into vid ‘Fauci, if youre vacc…’ [Caption: June 23, 2021] See vid ‘fauci safe’.


Gov. Kathy Hochul: “[I’ve prayed a lot to God during this time. And you know what?]  God [did answer our prayers. He] made the smartest men and women, [the scientists, the doctors, the researchers; He made them] come up with a vaccine. That is from God to us. And we must say, ‘Thank You God, [Thank You’.]” [see 00:02 of vid ‘New York Gov…’] [Caption: New York Governor Kathy Hochul, 26th Sept 2021] See vid ‘New York God’.


NARRATOR: If the other person still opted not to take the shot… Well, let’s just say it’s definitely starting to look like there might have been a factor other than selfishness at play in Frankie’s mind.


NARRATOR: Indeed, within some demographics at least, the selfish were keen to find ways to move up the line for the jab:


Ricky Gervais: “I, I can’t wait to get… I will fight an old lady for that vaccine” [see 01:40 of vid ‘ricky’]. See vid ‘fight’.


In time, Frankie’s rejection of the shot led to him having various freedoms taken away, and losing access to a number of services.


But he continued to pass up the


Mehdi Hasan: “miracle” [see 04:38 of vid ‘Still waiting…’]. See vid ‘still miracle’




He was also required to choose between being jabbed and being unemployed.


His refusal to take the shot meant he lost his job – which alone suggests his motive wasn’t selfishness.


Beyond this, many people who shared his outlook, and who happened to be in the queue to receive an organ transplant when the shots came along, still elected not to take the jab – even when they knew this decision would result in their name being scrubbed from the waiting list for this life-saving surgery.


(Enabling a bunch of strangers to leapfrog past you in the queue for an operation you desperately need doesn’t come across to us as terribly selfish“.)


And, if people such as Frankie had sought to selfishly ‘ride on the backs’ of the jabbed, it seems unlikely they’d have urged anyone they thought might listen to be wary of taking the jab. Yet, both he and many folks like him did just this.


* “Lack of trust in public figures linked to COVID vaccine hesitancy says new research” [see sg ‘lack of trust’].


– “Grillone was arrested in February 2022 and has been charged in Vicenza with administering fake serums and providing fake vaccination certificates to dozens of high-profile people in Italy.” [see sg ‘spain3’]


It turns out that, for Frankie, rejecting the jab wasn’t actually down to selfishness. It was down to a lack of trust in the authorities in terms of what they had to say on the issue. If he’d believed their statements about the shot (and associated matters), and if he’d been sure that the topmost echelon of society was being injected with the exact same stuff the public were getting, he too would’ve taken it.


NARRATOR: By the end of this documentary, it’ll be manifest that any selfishness on Frankie’s part is not the reason for his stance on the shot.


The tireless efforts, for many months, of what Frankie often calls the “powers-that-be” – including what he sometimes terms the “mainstream media” – to coax him into accepting the shot were wasted on him because, for ages now, he simply hasn’t trusted their remarks on the topic.


This film explains why this situation has arisen. In so doing, it’ll also reveal the solution to this somewhat disturbing. discombobulating, and friendship-destroying state of affairs.




Officially Fishy?


(Comedic Cartoons Concerning Covid-Shot Critics)


Part 1 –Superficially Fishy


Bluto: “All right men, step right over here to get your free cigars“.


NARRATOR: Okay. When it comes to the various different professions that exist these days, the public at large have long seen journalists and politicians as some of the least trustworthy. [see sgs ‘trustinpols’ & ‘trustinpols2’]. Politicians, especially, already had a really poor reputation for honesty, well before Covid arrived. But even aside from all that, Frankie thinks it unwise to trust the powers-that-be on the jabs for 3 overarching reasons. We’ll be looking at those reasons in ascending order of importance.




NARRATOR: Here’s the first and, by a very long way, the least significant. (In fact, it won’t immediately appear to have much to do with Covid shots at all – but its relevance will become clear in Part 2.) Frankie thinks the ‘powers-that-be’ – who, in his view, are the folks most eager for the man in the street to take the jab – don’t possess a great ‘track record’ in terms of having much care for the man in the street.




* “COVID Hypocrisy: Policymakers Breaking Their Own Rules” [see sg ‘hypoc’].


* Show at least three images of the hoi polloi maskless around people wearing masks. E.g. see pic ‘…Abrams’. There’s several. See sgs, ‘celebs’, ‘masks’ and ‘understand’.


NARRATOR: Frankie feels this way, partly because he reckons a lot of people with influence think there should be one rule for them and a markedly different rule for the rest of us.




NARRATOR: Frankie also finds it a struggle to believe the powers-that-be really care about the average citizen when they mistreat the citizenry for their own benefit. For instance, it does look as if politicians in the U.S. and across the globe took advantage of the Covid crisis (even to the extent of putting lives at risk) to exploit the tax-paying public in order to bolster their own circumstances…


* “Congress’s 5,593-page porky ‘relief’ bill is essence of the swamp” [See sg ‘pork 2’];

* “Red Flag: Corona Corruption Is Legal in Germany” [see sg ‘germany’];

* “South Africa warns Covid-19 corruption puts ‘lives at risk'” [see sg ‘corrupt3’].

[See also sgs ‘corrupt2’ and ‘corrup4’.]


NARRATOR: …or to enrich their family members or friends:


* “EXCLUSIVE: Tennessee wastes millions on no-bid COVID contract with politically connected company” [see sg ‘TN’];

* “How global corruption has ‘flourished’ during Covid-19 pandemic” [see sg ‘corrupt’];

* “UK government accused of cronyism with coronavirus contracts worth millions” [see sg ‘1o 1d’].


NARRATOR: In the UK (often considered a very just society and one of the least politically corrupt places in the world), this type of thing became so commonplace during the early stages of the pandemic that – instead of a “DEMocracy” – it was labeled a “CHUMocracy”:


* “Watchdog criticizes UK government for COVID procurement amid ‘chumocracy’ claims” [see sg ‘1o 1e’];

* “Government in the UK accused of a virus ‘chumocracy'” [see sg ‘1o 1b’];

* “Chumocracy first in line as ministers splash Covid cash” [see sg ‘1o 1c’].


NARRATOR: Frankie views it as unethical for politicians to abuse the citizenry like this, particularly when the public are already suffering.


Popeye: “That’s unethical”


NARRATOR: See? Told you.


NARRATOR: This behavior by the powers-that-be tempts Frankie to speculate that they don’t really care about the general public – which, in turn, causes him to distrust what they have to say about the welfare of the public, including their claims about the shots.




NARRATOR: A bigger reason Frankie thinks those in positions of influence don’t have much genuine care for ‘ordinary Joes’ like him is the absence of empathy he believes he detects in many of them.


* “The Bloodless Political Class and Its Lack of Empathy” [see sg ‘bloodless’].


Frankie reckons           these people go to some lengths to give the impression they have empathy. He’s aware that, if such individuals are to retain their positions and privileges, they need the public to tolerate them.


Boris Johnson: “It’s perfectly true that I did once talk on a mobile phone, erm, whilst cycling, and actually, why shouldn’t you be able to talk on a mobile phone whilst cycling?”

Jeremy Clarkson: “Because you can’t reach the brakes!”

Johnson: “You can – with one hand.”

Clarkson: “Oh! I had this exact…”

Johnson: “Are you saying… Are you saying that people with only one arm shouldn’t be allowed to ride a bicycle?”

 [See vid ‘boris on top gear’, 00:18] See vid ‘boris bike’.


NARRATOR: Frankie surmises that people like Boris Johnson might be able to put on a caring front; but he judges that their true feelings get exposed from time to time.


* “Boris Johnson branded ‘flippant’ and ‘uncaring’ over footage of visit to Afghanistan crisis centre” [see sg ‘Johnson uncaring’; highlight – e.g. circle – the word ‘uncaring’].


Another occasion was when George W. Bush [see sg ‘katrina’] was preparing to give a televised address and didn’t realize he was being recorded. [See vid ‘bush giving the finger’.] Frankie suspects this gesture revealed Bush’s actual, unfiltered attitude towards the public.


And Frankie considers there to have been a monumental lack of empathy shown to the average citizen by Prince Andrew, younger brother of the current King of England, during the 2019 TV interview he gave vis-à-vis his friendship with billionaire and convicted pedophile Jeffrey Epstein.


(As an aside, Frankie’s quick to point out that Andrew’s highly elevated position meant he was feted by rich and powerful people across the world. Epstein was merely one of the more prominent examples of that. The Duke of York was also, for many years, the UK’s “Special Representative for International Trade and Investment” – until his ties with Epstein became too embarrassing for the British Establishment.)


Emily Maitlis: “July of this year, Epstein was arrested on charges of sex-trafficking and abusing dozens of under-age girls.” [see vid ‘…dozens of underage girls’].


NARRATOR: Here’s just one of the times he displayed what Frankie sees as a chilling paucity of empathy:


Prince Andrew: “Do I regret the fact that, that, that he… has quite obviously conducted himself in a manner unbecoming? Yes.”

Emily Maitlis: “‘Unbecoming‘?? He was a sex offender.” [see vid ‘…unbecoming x2’]. See vid ‘unbecom’. We can extend it if nec, from vid ‘prince Andrew full’, 47:50.


* “Apologise to Epstein’s victims now, prince told” [see file ‘prince andrew guardian’];

* “NOT ONE SINGLE WORD OF REMORSE” [see sg ‘mail on andrew’; includes photo of him];

* [See also file ‘andrew papers’ for a montage of front pages].


NARRATOR: By way of a reminder, one of Epstein’s many crimes was the procuring of a 14 year old child for prostitution. [see sg ‘epstein’] Frankie realizes that Andrew is a prince – and therefore won’t have had anything like an average life. But the very reason he agreed to take part in this interview was to restore his reputation. And he had plenty of time to prepare for it. Crucially, the people around him had decades to help him deal with (or at least learn to hide) his lack of empathy. So, Frankie still finds it appalling that the best he could apparently manage, unprompted, was to describe Epstein’s actions as “unbecoming”.


NARRATOR: In Frankie’s view, there’ve been many other occasions when organizations, or institutions, or folks in positions of influence, have been unmasked as having little genuine care for the public.


* “Bank bonuses to run into BILLIONS as population continues to feel after-effects of bail-out crisis” [see sg ‘bankers 4’];

* “AIG’s arrogance is stunning” [see sg ‘bonus 4’];

* Show sg ‘check watch’ of Bush Snr checking his watch.

* “Can celebs stop crying in their mansions about being in lockdown” [see sg ‘celeb lock 3’];

* “Sacked for lifting lid on UN sex ring” [see sg ‘un sex ring’];

* “Report slams U.N. for ‘gross institutional failure’ in child sex abuse cases” [see sg ‘abuse 3’; leave this sg on-screen for a relatively long time].

* Add one about hospital managers not allowing spouses to see their loved ones even when about to die.


Indeed, the British magazine Private Eye has, probably in EVERY bi-weekly issue since its launch 61 years ago, contained multiple instances of organizations, institutions, and powerful individuals demonstrating a breathtaking lack of empathy for ‘regular Joes’. And Private Eye doesn’t just look at Great Britain. It’s brought to light the same sort of thing from all over the world.


[Give lots and lots of Private Eye covers, very quickly, to get across the scale of things.]


Frankie isn’t certain why these folks in influential positions apparently have such little care – whether it’s a product of their schooling, or of the clubs they belong to, or of the political ideologies they cling to, or perhaps even the religious rituals they participate in – but if we’re to change his mind on the jabs, it’d be good if we could give him reasons to have more faith in these people.


[Use the following pictures in their respective slots.]


* Show the famous photo of those 2 posh boys ignoring the working class lads in 1937 [see file ‘3557’];

* Show photo ‘bulling’ – i.e. the shot of Boris Johnson and the Bullingdon Club – and then zoom in on Johnson and the guy next to him, with an arrow pointing out “Boris Johnson”;

* Show photo of Mao and Gerald Ford [see file ‘mao and ford’];

* Show file ‘bo grove 2’ for a photo of a ritual at Bohemian Grove (alongside an sg from an article about the “Cremation of Care” ritual; see sgs ‘crem’ and ‘crem2’).




NARRATOR: Part 2 of this film will discuss the second, and incomparably more important factor behind Frankie’s mistrust of the powers-that-be on the question of Covid shots.


[Caption: For links to all official, unadulterated copies of Part 2, visit us at]


[Caption: Copyright © Deke ‘n’ Tammy Nation, 2023. We encourage viewers to download and share this video; but it must not be portrayed as a true and complete copy if it has been altered in any way beyond the addition of accurate subtitles. Thanks for understanding.]